Sunday, February 23, 2014

Little White Church

Take me down to the little white church 🎶
Made you sing didn't I?
Well that's exactly what I got to do today. I can't tell you how it felt when Anthony wheeled me in and a line of people came to hug my neck. I felt surrounded by grace and love. I am so blessed to even know these people and they wanted to leave their comfortable seats and come see me. Again with the tears. Those sneaky little things just pop right out these days. So I've determined these tears, these sneaky little things that pop up when I least expect them. Well they're not tears at all, they're love. I'm just so filled with love from my family & friends that it just pops right out of me. God, thank you for all the blessings you've bestowed upon me recently. I am certainly unworthy of any of them. Thank you for choosing me for, well, for whatever it is you've chosen me for. And Lord, please help me with understanding that my time is not your perfect timing to reveal to me why you've saved me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you. Thank you for bringing these love filled people into my life.

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